
Some clients have been kind enough to share their experiences with those who are considering therapy. This will help give you an understanding of what to expect from counselling, along with how this can have a positive impact on your life.

  • Did you find the venue accessible & comfortable?


    Did you find the service agreement clear and informative?


    Did you find the therapy useful?

    Yes. Changed my life for the better. Helped me overcome worries using different techniques.

    Did you feel the therapy was tailored to your needs?

    Yes. Tracy understood my needs and what would work best for me.

    Do you feel the therapy you received was good value for money?


    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your


    Would you recommend Clarendon Counselling?


  • Did you find the venue accessible & comfortable?

    Yes, sometimes parking was difficult but the counselling space was great.

    Did you find the service agreement clear and informative?


    Did you find the therapy useful?

    Yes, Tracy, has been helping me for quite some time, before and after my
    partner was diagnosed with cancer and passed away. I felt it was a safe space where I could be listened to and say how I really felt with no judgement.

    Therapy helped me work through the loss and grief I was suffering whilst also trying to navigate the new life I now had. I can honestly say, after some dark times, my life is looking up and therapy helped me be positive again.

    Did you feel the therapy was tailored to your needs?

    Yes, the counselling was aimed at helping me cope with grief, helping me realise that there would be a future again and I could talk about anything no matter how small.

    Did you feel the therapy you received was good value for money?


    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your

    Nothing at all.

    Would you recommend Clarendon Counselling?


  • Did you find the venue accessible and comfortable?

    Yes both. I didn't have to think about the venue at all so could concentrate on reason for being there.

    Did you find the service agreement clear and informative?


    Did you find the therapy useful?

    The therapy was essential when it first began as I couldn't function properly on a daily basis as my mind was consumed with the issues that brought me to therapy. Over time the strategies Tracy taught me I was able to apply in order to improve my thoughts and mental health in general and then further down the line I was able to utilize for other issues/areas of my life e.g. work, future ambitions. 

    Was the therapy tailored to your needs?

    Yes as referenced above initially the therapy was tailored to help me more urgently and then developed into assisting me with work and general confidence issues. 

    Was the therapy good value for money?

    Yes - the money particularly in the beginning was irrelevant as therapy was helping me to survive.

    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your experience?

    No - I didn't need anything more than someone who I was comfortable talking openly to.

    Would you recommend Clarendon Counselling?

    I would encourage anybody to use this service (even without urgent issues) - I would say this was absolutely vital in me surviving and then over time thriving.

  • Did you find the service agreement clear and informative?


    Did you find the therapy useful?

    Yes the therapy has been very useful. Talking to Tracy has given me more
    clarity and insight into my current situation. She listened with great empathy and made me feel very heard and understood. She gave me new ways of seeing things and altered my perspective which was very helpful

    Was the therapy tailored to your needs?

    I’m not sure that I had any needs that it needed to be tailored to?!

    Was the therapy good value for money?

    I wish that all therapy could be cheaper as that was the main reason I had to discontinue it, but I understand that is just the going rate and can’t be helped.

    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your experience?


    Would you recommend Clarendon Counselling?

    Yes I would – I like Tracy’s approach. She is calm, kind and non-judgemental.

  • Do you have any comments about the venue?

    Venue was comfortable and easy to find, though I did have an issue with the main door the first few times. I suspect this was more user error than anything else. The furniture arrangement within the room is comfortable without feeling like you’re on a stage.

    Did you find the service agreement clear and informative?

    Yes, the information was presented up front so I was aware of the working relationship immediately and was given the opportunity to set the best timing and frequency that worked for me.

    Did you find the therapy useful?

    Definitely found it helpful. I started the sessions with incredibly low self esteem / confidence after a bad relationship. Tracy listened to me and reframed the situation in a way that meant I was able to stop blaming myself for things that were out of my control. With Tracy’s help I managed to learn techniques to stop ruminating, to build elements into my life that I could grow self-esteem around, and to identify the issues if/when the problems arise again.

    Was the therapy tailored to your needs?

    As stated in previous answers Tracy tailored the sessions to my schedule, even taking a couple of sessions over the phone due to my terrible work-life balance! The therapy sessions built on each other and I was able to introduce issues as they arose.

    Was the therapy good value for money?

    Therapy is an expensive endeavour whichever path you choose to take so I didn’t go in with the expectation of it being quick or cheap. That said the difference it has made to my life has been worth the cost and I would not go back given the opportunity, so in conclusion yes I would say it was good value for money.

    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your experience?

    Again, as stated above the couple of phone sessions we had when I couldn’t make it to the venue were invaluable as it meant I was able to keep going with the process when I had a busy schedule. Perhaps offering them at a slightly reduced rate (10-20% maybe? I don’t know) could be useful for others too.

    Would you recommend Clarendon Counselling?

    Yes I would thoroughly recommend the service to others and in fact have done so already, although they may live slightly too far away. There is an element of luck to find the right therapist for you, and I am incredibly grateful for having found Tracy. Thanks again.

  • Did you find the venue accessible and comfortable?


    Did you find the service agreement clear and informative?


    Did you find the therapy useful? And if so, how?

    100%. It has really helped me figure out things that were never clear to me before. From our sessions I have been able to implement clear boundaries with people, do more of what makes me happy, focus on what is important and get some kind of balance back in my life.

    Did you feel the therapy was tailored to your needs?

    100%. I think just talking things through helps.

    Did you feel the therapy you received was good value for money?

    Yes, although Id love it to be £20.00 a session! Ha ha!

    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your experience?

    No I think it was great

    Would you recommend the service to others?

    Yes, you are so easy to open up to.

  • Did you find the venue accessible and comfortable?

    Yes. A calming environment, easy to find and private.

    Did you find the service agreement clear and informative?

    Yes. Sent in good time before starting the sessions and easy to understand. Fair points and expectations raised.

    Did you find the therapy useful? And if so, how?

    Yes. It facilitated conversations which we have struggled to have on our own due to emotions getting in the way. It helped us to explore each others perspectives without judgement and gain a better understanding of our own, and each others, needs. It also supported us to recognise some of our own behaviours and provided alternative means to express our feelings.

    Did you feel the therapy was tailored to your needs?

    Yes, each week we focused on specific areas of our relationship that we identified as a couple. Relevant material/suggestions were made based on our values and preferences.

    Did you feel the therapy you received was good value for money?


    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your experience?

    Maybe a short written summary of the positives discussed and areas to develop after each session for couples to refer to. This may provide a kind of “journal” approach to keeping track of progress and priorities in between session. To prevent conversations and progress being made “in session” only. Alternatively, maybe to encourage the person/persons to complete themselves as part of the journey.

    Would you recommend the service to others?

    Yes, I have done so.

  • Did you find the venue accessible and comfortable?

    Really nice, comfortable and modern environment to visit. Very discreet and newer premises easy to access with plenty of parking.

    Did you find the consultation session informative?

    Initial consult was thoroughly informative, Tracy was very transparent and I understood the upcoming process well.

    Did you find the therapy useful?

    I found my therapy sessions to be powerfully useful. Given some of the difficult conversations and subject matter, I always felt completely at ease and comfortable to share and discuss whatever I needed to. I found that sometimes my sessions would be discussive and exploratory, and others would be an outlet for me to talk and decompress. Both of these approaches were really useful and allowed me to come to conclusions myself in a safe environment where it could be delved into further. The experience has completely changed my perspective on my relationships, provided me with improved self-worth and given me the day-to-day tools to cope better.

    Did you feel the therapy was tailored to your needs?

    I did. At no point did the flow of conversation feel awkward or forceful, instead following well in a way that made sense and felt completely natural. In our sessions Tracy would always be attentive to me and areas I wanted to discuss more. I never felt silly for making points or bringing up specific things, or that directions I wanted to go in were jarring with how the session perhaps ‘should’ go, which was something I was perhaps worried about beforehand. They always felt like sessions tailored completely to my mood and the subject matter at hand. Therapy was daunting for me to finally jump in to, but at no point did my sessions fulfil that fear. They came to be something I enjoyed as a completely safe space.

    Did you feel the therapy you received was good value for money? Please comment:

    Extremely good value for money. I would say it took maybe 2-3 sessions to feel truly comfortable sharing; it was then I got much more from them. Early on I accepted that I would only get from the experience what I was willing to give, so luckily I was able to be fully transparent and gained a lot because of that.

    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your experience?

    Honestly, no. I’ve really enjoyed my time speaking with Tracy. Perhaps a water source in the room for when you have rabbiters like me! 😊

    Would you recommend the service to others?

    Absolutely. 100%. I personally think everybody, who can, should take part in some sort of therapy.

  • Did you find the venue accessible and comfortable? Please comment:

    Yes, the room itself was always warm and inviting (even in winter) with a relaxing atmosphere.

    Did you find the service agreement clear and informative? Please comment:

    Yes, Tracy explained that she would work with a range of methods best suited throughout my sessions and was flexible to work alongside NHS CBT.

    Did you find the therapy useful? And if so, how? Please comment:

    Incredibly so! Every week / session it felt like I came away knowing a bit more about myself. Initially we would talk about things to try and implement but as time went by I was encouraged to self-reflect.

    Did you feel the therapy was tailored to your needs? Please comment:

    Yes – Tracy was happy to talk about what was worrying me that particular week – even if not what had been planned or completely different to previous week.

    Did you feel the therapy you received was good value for money? Please comment:

    Yes – easily the best money I have spent, much more so than e.g. gym memberships. It was always treated as a priority cost for me.

    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your experience?

    I don’t think so

    Would you recommend the service to others? Please add any further comments:

    Yes – I have already recommended therapy / counselling to so many others, and with my treatment now complete wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Tracy

  • Did you find the venue accessible and comfortable? Please comment:

    Yes, very easy to get to and nice comfortable space

    Did you find the service agreement clear and informative? Please comment:

    Yes, learnt lots of techniques to think differently about things and change my thought processes

    Did you find the therapy useful? And if so, how? Please comment:

    Excellent, could not have got through the last 7 months without your support

    Did you feel the therapy was tailored to your needs? Please comment:

    Yes very much so

    Did you feel the therapy you received was good value for money? Please comment:

    Yes excellent value for money. We never spend money on our mental health & it’s so important as we’d think nothing of buying clothes or makeup. Money well spent to invest in myself.

    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your experience?


    Would you recommend the service to others? Please add any further comments:

    Yes & I will be back should I need support again

  • Did you find the venue accessible and comfortable? Please comment:

    Yes, easy to park and Tracy’s room is always calm and welcoming.

    Did you find the service agreement clear and informative? Please comment:

    Yes, all my sessions have been informative.

    Did you find the therapy useful? And if so, how? Please comment:

    Most definitely. I didn’t think I had anything to discuss until starting the sessions. They have helped me turn my life around.

    Did you feel the therapy was tailored to your needs? Please comment:

    Yes, it was all about me. Something I found strange to begin with.

    Did you feel the therapy you received was good value for money? Please comment:

    Yes, worth every penny.

    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your experience?

    No, everything was perfect.

    Would you recommend the service to others? Please add any further comments:

    Yes, Tracy was fantastic. Thanks so much.

  • Did you find the venue accessible and comfortable? Please comment:

    Very easy access. Room is warm and inviting. Feel comfortable at every session.

    Did you find the service agreement clear and informative? Please comment:

    Yes, Tracy always offers an informative view and supportive direction on matters discussed.

    Did you find the therapy useful? And if so, how? Please comment:

    The therapy helped me through a very dark and difficult situation and has started me on the road to recovery.

    Did you feel the therapy was tailored to your needs? Please comment:

    Most definitely.

    Did you feel the therapy you received was good value for money? Please comment:

    Again, most definitely. The therapy has been priceless.

    Is there anything that could have been done differently to enhance your experience?

    Nothing at all.

    Would you recommend the service to others? Please add any further comments:

    Yes I would

  • Do you have any comments about the venue?

    The current venue is better than the last venue…. Easy parking, nice big light private room- will miss moving the little pillow!

    Were your appointments flexible to your needs? Please comment:

    Very flexible- always worked well

    Did you feel you were well listened to? Please comment:


    Did you achieve what you set out to achieve? Please comment:

    I achieved more than I ever thought was possible. It's transformed my life and given me skills and techniques to take into the future to keep achieving more. 

    Would you recommend Clarendon Counselling? Please comment:

    Already have multiple times!