Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

Are you finding yourself overthinking every situation? Are you struggling to maintain control over your everyday life? Are you feeling alone, overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed? Are you noticing an increase in unhealthy behaviours or coping strategies as a result? Is this impacting on your work, homelife, and relationships?

Are you looking to make changes to the way you react to particular situations? Desperate to feel in control? Wanting to feel more positive about your future, implement healthier mechanisms, and feel generally more relaxed?

How would it feel to have someone help you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in an in-depth way, to see how these connect with each other and keep you caged in the cycle you’ve found yourself in? To have the opportunity to see these much more clearly and identify where change might be made that will subsequently impact on all areas of your life? To discover where unhelpful thinking has emerged and help you challenge your core beliefs about yourself, your life, and the world in general?

At Clarendon Counselling, you will initially be offered weekly 50 minute sessions that will likely progress to fortnightly sessions as you make progress. CBT offers a wide array of strategies and tools to deal with different situations and will be tailored to individual preference. It will involve homework! You will be directed by a trained therapist with a background in Psychology and CBT who will support you to take positive steps to a much healthier outlook that will impact significantly on your wellbeing. CBT can often be integrated with Person-Centred Counselling to offer a more insightful and thorough exploration into unhealthy core beliefs leading to a better outlook for longer-term change but can be offered as a stand-alone short-term therapy. 

There is a set fee of £60 per session for this life-changing service (with a £15 additional fee for appointments requested for either evenings after 5pm or weekends).


“This changed my life for the better and helped me overcome worries using different techniques.” Feb 25

“I would say this was absolutely vital in me surviving and then over time thriving” Nov 24

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