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Scared of Losing Him
When we’re feeling insecure in our relationships, we seek to understand what might be going wrong in order to create change and improve our situation in order to feel better. But are we taking everything into account?
Will my Soulmate Come Back to me?
Did you find your soulmate and lose them? How do you know they were the one? What if you’re spending all your time and energy trying to rekindle a relationship with a false soulmate? How will you know the difference?
Loss of a Long Term Relationship
Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult of life’s challenges and we will all deal with this in our own way. There is no right or wrong, but if you feel you’re not able to move past it, and need help finding the light at the end of the tunnel, keep reading.
I Can’t Get Over a Failed Relationship
Breakups are tough and can sometimes be devastating, but rest assured, there IS light at the end of the tunnel. Keep reading to see how one person came out from under the cloud and saw a much more positive outlook.
Old Habits Die Hard
Habits shape us, and we shape them.
We learn a great deal of habits throughout our development into adulthood but we also often fall into bad habits because they serve a purpose for us.
We smoke to relieve stress, we drink to wind down from our day, we procrastinate to allow us more free time, we overeat because it reduces boredom, we press the snooze button because we tell ourselves 10 more minutes of sleep is a little luxury at the beginning of our day etc etc.
Reaction v’s Behaviour
I’ve been re-thinking the whole “you can’t control other people’s behaviour, you can only control your reaction to it” myth.
I’ve made similar statements to many clients over the years as it’s a productive way of looking at our own behaviours in response to others and helps us focus more intently on our coping strategies and unhealthy reactions in order to develop better ways of managing our mental health.
10 Stress Busting Strategies
Although stress doesn’t feel particularly pleasant, it is our body’s natural response to increased demand on our time or efforts that instigate a change of pace or direction. When under stress, we can choose to either battle through our situation or take ourselves away from it (the fight or flight response).
Coronavirus and our new normal
Coronavirus has thrust itself into the lives of each and every human being across the planet without discrimination. Each and every one of us across the world have had to adjust to a new way of living, a new normal.
Why Don’t They Just Leave?
Domestic abuse of course relates to a variety of forms of abuse including physical, emotional, sexual, financial, and psychological. All will have a significant impact on the victim.
I Haven’t Got Time
“I haven’t got time.” I used to use this excuse a lot. Where would I fit a commitment to anything other than work, sleep and homelife? I didn’t have time for the gym, for hobbies, for phone calls to family and friends, for building the business I desperately wanted to move into full time but had put minimal effort into.
Hidden Abuse
I was in what I would describe as a ‘covert’ abusive relationship for the best part of 10 years, covert because nobody, not even I, recognised it as abusive.
To Embrace Being Single
Relationships definitely have their benefits and if it’s a 2.4 stable family environment you’re looking for then please continue looking but, in the meantime, are you enjoying your single life?